We love summer around here. Not just because of the warmer temps and the fun trips, but there’s an ease to summer that the other three seasons seem to lack. A sort of silent permission to linger…
More time for a daily walk around the block in the evening, slower mornings to enjoy your coffee on the porch instead of heading straight for your desk, moments throughout the day to sit and be inspired by the beautiful colors, sights, sounds, and smells around you - that’s what we love about summer.
Yet it feels so fleeting, and perhaps that’s what makes summer feel so special to begin with. We know at the start that we’re going to miss this season soon.
So, every summer that rolls around, we find ourselves determined to truly revel in the fun and glory of summer. We’re bringing that same intention to your summer season today with 4 completely FREE tools to help you stay organized and present, cross those summer bucket list items off, and create the summer memories that will truly last a lifetime.

For some reason come summertime, it’s far too easy to stroll down the aisle of the grocery store with no list (usually with kids in tow - pulling your arm that they want these cookies and those snacks😅) and zero plans.
I created the Free Grocery Shopping List download to help you prioritize what you actually need before you head off to the store. Organized just how the store is laid out, this downloadable list makes staying on track at the grocery store so simple.
Mom Pro Tip: have your kids help write out the list (if they’re old enough) and be in charge of it once you get to the store - you can even make the comparison that it’s like a treasure map! This helps them feel in charge + excited about the adventure. Or! Even better....hop online and use your list to create a grocery pickup (or even delivery!) from your local store. I about cried the first time I used this method!
Who doesn’t love a summer bucket list? 😍 A reason to write down all of the fun summery activities you want to get up to and get to schemin’ about the summer of your dreams? Yes, please!
We’d argue that the most important part of summer-bucket-listing is the dreaming. That excitement for a new season, being purposeful about FUN, and having something actually written down (not just on your iPhone notes, people!) where you can see it each day is what a Summer Bucket List is all about.
Download our FREE Summer Bucket List here!
Remember those long summer days spent at the library, soaking up books as fast as you could to add them to your summer reading log? We should bring back prizes for reading in adulthood, shouldn’t we? 😂
Even if you may not get a fun pencil or sticker, we still believe keeping track of your summer reads is a fun way to challenge yourself and spend time with your nose deep in a book this summer.
Download our Book Journal Kit from our Freebie Library - perfect for summertime reading. With 3 pages, you can keep track of your To Be Read list, Books Finished, and Book Reviews.
It’s almost inevitable… The big summer trip is planned, it has been for month’s after all, but the packing doesn’t begin until 24 hours before takeoff. Put that packing frenzy behind you and finally get organized prior to heading out!
Whether you’re packing for all the kiddos, and finally, yourself, this free Packing Checklist freebie will make sure not one single item is left behind!
Get, and stay, organized prior to the trip and have some fun while prepping for your next great adventure. Download the Packing Checklist freebie here.
Summer meals, summer reading, summer bucket list, and a packing checklist… All for free! Sounds like the makings of a beautifully organized, intentional, and present summer to us. ;)